May: WireGuard and PulseAudio


7pm, Wednesday, 11 May 2022

Topic 1/2: Networking PulseAudio (with a Windows Server)

Speaker: Stephen Worthington

PulseAudio serves as a means to bridge the sometimes complex gap between sound sources from programs via ALSA and OSS libraries, and sound sinks to come out of actual speakers or other destinations, for appropriately mixed sound. In its role as an abstraction between the two, it’s capable of acting as a networked sound server, even for other operating systems that don’t use its native kernel, Linux. Stephen will demonstrate how this is done.

Download slides (application/pdf, 112 KiB)

Topic 2/2: Trusted networks with WireGuard

Speaker: Tom Ryder

WireGuard is a replacement for IPsec and OpenVPN, offering secure communications over otherwise untrusted networks, using public key authentication both for authentication purposes and to form its routing table. It made its way into kernel space in Linux v5.6, which is as official a blessing as it gets (short of an RFC, maybe). There’s lots to love about WireGuard; Tom will show us the basics, along a few of the niceties that suit him (personally) down to the ground.

Edit of the “Friendship ended with Mudasir” meme.  The meme now reads: “Friendship ended with [OPENVPN].  Now [WireGuard] is my best friend”.  An Indian man clasps hands with a man with the WireGuard logo for a face.  The OpenVPN logo has been crossed out, twice, in bright green.

Download slides (application/pdf, 580 KiB)


Milson Community Centre


$2 gold coin donation

COVID-19 restrictions

  • Masks must be worn, unless medically exempt.
  • Guests may sign in using either the COVID-19 tracer app or the paper register, but this is no longer required.
  • It’s unclear at the moment whether we can use the kitchen; please bring your own drink bottle, just in case.


  • 7:00pm: Welcome (John Flower)
  • 7:10pm: Topic 1/2: Networking PulseAudio (with a Windows Server) (Stephen Worthington)
  • 8:00pm: General business (John Flower)
  • 8:10pm: Topic 2/2: Trusted networks with WireGuard (Tom Ryder)
  • 9:00pm: Doors close

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