Wednesday 10 July 2019
Speaker: Nick Skarott
Nick will talk about he came to be using the Manjaro distro.
Incremental Backups
Speaker: Tom Ryder
Incremental backups are a method of storing complete snapshots of a set of files over time, allowing restoring any file from any day, including de-duplication to save disk space rather than storing identical files more than once. Tom Ryder will talk about doing this in a homebrew way on GNU/Linux, focusing on the use of rsync and its Perl frontend Dirvish.
$2 gold coin donation.
- Agenda
- Welcome
Chair: John Flower - Manjaro
Speaker: Nick Skarott
7:10pm - Break
Tea & coffee
Donations collected - General Business
8:15pm - Incremental Backups
Speaker: Tom Ryder
8:25pm - Doors close
- Welcome
Great meeting, thanks folks. Slides for my talk are here: