Wednesday 14 June 2017
PN Cosmopolitan Club, Linton Street, Palmerston North
$2 gold coin donation. Extra if you wish to partake of the reasonably priced bar.
- Agenda
- 7:00PM Welcome
- 7:15PM Workshop One – Basic/Beginners
- Aiding your productivity – John Flower
John will discuss various apps that are useful for being productive.- Getting Things Gnome
GTG is a ToDo list app. It can be used with David Allen’s Getting Things - Done method.
- Red Notebook (
This is a diary and journal app. - Hamster (Download via your package manager)
Stonkingly good stopwatch that could be useful for answering the question, ‘What did I do today?’. Also handy for billing out time. - Freemind
Mind mapping software. John has been using this to develop ideas for a fantasy novel.
- Getting Things Gnome
- Aiding your productivity – John Flower
- 7:35PM Break. Get a drink from the club bar and relax.
- 7:50PM Distribution of the Month
- Sadly this month we have no distribution of the month for this month. If anyone would like to suggest one for next month and is willing to give a 5-10 minute overview on what it is please see Nick to have it added to next months agenda.
- 8:00PM Club matters/collection of month donations.
- 8:10PM Workshop Two – Advanced
- SystemD: My experience, and why it’s driving me mad! – Stephen Worthington
- Stephen has been playing with and learning SystemD. He will present his findings, and why it’s damn near driven him right up the bend!
- SystemD: My experience, and why it’s driving me mad! – Stephen Worthington
- 8:30PM Finish